Friday, February 28, 2014

mini session exclusive

This year, running from April through November, I am offering a series of specialty Mini-Sessions. They will be held one date per month and will be limited to SIX open times. The times are available on a first come, first serve basis. The dates for the sessions will be announced on the first of the month before the session. For example, March 1st will be the release of the April Mini-Session date.

Here are the themes for the 2014 Mini-Session series:
April – Spring
May – Mama and Me
June – Family at the Beach
July – Vintage
August – Favorite Things
September – Apple Orchard
October – Family at the Park – Autumn
November – Snow Day or Tree Farm

Each session will be $200 (plus tax) which will include the session and full copyrights to all files. Please direct any questions to

How would you like to have a Mini-Session for FREE? Here’s how! Each time a Mini-Session is announced on MC Life Portraits Facebook fan page you must:
1. Like MC Life Portraits page (if you haven’t already)
2. Comment on the post
3. Share the post
This will enter you into the drawing for a FREE Mini-Session.
Want to increase your odds? You will receive one additional entry for each friend that likes and shares MC Life Portraits page on facebook. Make sure each friend comments with your name to be sure you are counted for the additional entries. A winner will be chosen by

Woohoo! Let’s do this!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

always evolving always improving

I'm going to pick this blog up and dust it off and start talking again about my photography and the stories behind the portraits!
First, in a few days I'm taking a two day workshop in Indianapolis (never been) to study under a photographer I love, Rachel Vanoven. I'm excited to experience her work in an intimate setting with less than ten other photographers including my very good friend Krista! We get to play with newborns less than 2 weeks old! EXCITING!
I've been in photography going on FIFTEEN years but hey it would be boring if you just continued to do the same old thang. I like learning...evolving.
I'm also entering into her giveaway combined with another photographer I like, Erin Tole. I would love to win and go to California. Get me out of this cold! Wish me luck!