Saturday, July 14, 2012

~surprise for daddy~

I love surprise sessions! Jen asked me to photograph her and her children as a surprise for her husband. I love that idea! It was also the first time I had a session a Wolf Creek Winery in Akron. I've been there for many events but not a session. It was so beautiful! A perfect location. Also the location of their wedding pictures....awwwww.

 A watermelon dress! ADORABLE!

 To me, this shouts...long summer days.

 So sweet.

 Sweet and sassy!

 Big boy pose!

~The Treash Family~

This is a fun group. They reminded me of my daughters and the conversations we have at our house. First we started with the girls and their cats. Adorable! The cats were a little unsure of what to do or what the heck was going on but I was able to capture Abby and Carly's love for their precious pets. We then had some family fun and took a walk down Riverfront. The water fountain was a special spot for them. I took an similar image with another family but the two girls giggling on the colorful wall was too cute. Enjoy!