Thursday, April 15, 2010

Joshua-Part Two

If you don't remember, I ran out of time photographing Joshua the first I had to go back for more. Tough job but somebody has to do it:) He did great! He is going to be a huge Ohio State and Toledo fan. Lucky for me it was 80 degrees out today so I got to take him outside and it was definitely worth it!


So I walk into Nora's house this morning. She's all smiles and just got up from her nap. Jackpot! When we start taking pictures, she put her serious face on. I was actually surprised how many grins I actual got. It helped that dad make some "special" noises. She's a sweet little girl.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


These kids were real troopers. This session took place on Easter weekend, if you don't remember it was VERY windy on that Saturday. After I got them posed and ready to go, the wind blew open my reflector and hit Josiah, the little one, right on the nose. I couldn't aim it better. All before the first picture was taken. Thankfully he bounced right back and the kids endured the wind for a few and then we made our way inside. They did really well.

This one cracks me up. It says..."Are you taking a picture of me?"